Today, there are video surveillance cameras installed in lots of different places. You’ll find cameras installed inside of homes, outside of businesses, and everywhere in between. But it wasn’t always this way. Video surveillance has come a long way over the course of the last 70 years or so, which was when closed circuit television systems first popped up.
Check out a history of video surveillance below.
The First CCTV Systems
Video surveillance is not particularly new. It first arrived on the scene in the early 1940s, when a closed circuit television system was used to watch V2 rockets that were launched in Germany. Commercial video surveillance cameras started showing up on the scene a few years later, and by the late 1950s, companies like General Precision Labs were creating CCTV systems that were used in medical institutions, schools, and more.
The Evolution of Video Surveillance
A lot of the earliest CCTV systems captured video in black and white. But eventually, color cameras started to become more prominent as the 1950s wore on. There was a lot of debate over whether or not color was a better option than black and white at first, since black and white provided better resolution and could pick up better video in low light. But color made it easier to identify people in videos.
Many of the earliest CCTV systems were also only available to be used for real time viewing since there weren’t many options as far as video recording was concerned. It wasn’t until videocassette recorders came along in the 1970s that video surveillance could be recorded. It led to a spike in video surveillance use.
The Big Changes That Pushed Video Surveillance Forward
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, video surveillance became more popular for home and businesses owners, thanks to the development of the VCR. But video surveillance really took off in the 1990s once companies found a way to use ethernet networks and IP cameras as part of their systems. This allowed people to capture digital video. It also allowed them to record videos in much higher resolutions. Companies like Samsung, Panasonic, and Sony started creating systems that took off and put video surveillance into many homes and businesses.
The Modern-Day Video Surveillance Solutions
There are more than 30 million surveillance cameras that are used by home and businesses owners all across the United States today. There are also more than 100 million surveillance cameras used worldwide. Video surveillance is still growing by leaps and bounds, but it’s amazing to consider just how far the technology has come since it was first used.
Do you think your home or business could benefit from using video surveillance? Shore Home Solutions can provide you with residential or commercial video surveillance options. Call us at 410-878-2448 today to set a system up.